Inclusive Employment Resources

As a job seeker, knowing more about the community resources available can make an impact on your employment journey. As an employer, knowing the resources and supports available for an inclusive workforce can make an impact on your bottom line. Below are community resources who support inclusive employment in our area and beyond.

Local Organizations

Walton Options is Center for Independent Living (CIL), one of over 400 across the country, who serves 16 counties in Georgia and 10 counties in South Carolina. Walton Options provides programs and services for persons with disabilities, focused on independence and inclusion in the CSRA. One area of focus is employment. For job seekers, they provide educational training, benefits counseling, peer support, and much more. Employers are able to work with Walton Options to better understand disability rights, inclusion in the workplace, resources opportunities for hiring persons with disabilities and more. Walton Options’ goal is to teach the world that every person, regardless of ability deserves to take up space, to exist, and to be. Learn more.

Stylized Walton Options Resources for Independent Living logo

State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (VRA) offer individualized employment services for persons with disabilities. Their services include job seeking support, skill set training, career exploration, and support once you are on the job. Additionally, they work with employers to support reasonable accommodations and job coaching options. Find out more about your options at the closest VRA office to you – Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency or South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department.

The Megiddo Dream Station makes an impact by providing intensive, effective job and personal skill training. They have a 97% placement rate and a 95% retention rate. Their graduates are working in over 80 businesses throughout the CSRA. Learn more.

Megiddo Dream Station green and purple stylized logo.

Benefits Options and Opportunities

Ticket to Work

The Ticket to Work (TTW) Program is designed to support Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 18 through 64 who want to work. Through the program, job seekers who are beneficiaries have access to career advising, job placement assistance, resume prep, benefits counseling referral, and on-going employment support. The TTW program is provided locally in the CSRA through the Employment Network provider Walton Options. Additional information about the TTW program can be found at Your Ticket to Work. There is also a Fact Sheet about Ticket to Work available online with Choose Work!.

Work Incentives Planning & Assistance

The goal of the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program is designed for beneficiaries of Social Security Insurance (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The WIPA program works with beneficiaries so they understand the impact of employment with their benefits. For more information about your local WIPA services, please visit Walton Options.

Additional information about the WIPA program can be found online at Social Security Administration.

Additional Disability Employment Resources

The Job Accommodation Network is a free service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. JAN consultants have been providing job accommodation information to employers and have developed practical ideas to help employers provide job accommodations and comply with the ADA. Their website is full of disability employment resources for job seekers and employers alike.

Job Accommodation Network, stylized logo

Disability:IN is the leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide. They have a network of over 270 corporations expands opportunities for people with disabilities across enterprises. Their central office and 25 Affiliates serve as the collective voice to effect change for people with disabilities in business. Their online resources include best practices for employers in a variety of areas focused on inclusion in the work force.

Disability:IN stylized blue and green logo.

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) is a free resource that helps employers tap the benefits of disability diversity by educating public- and private-sector organizations on ways to build inclusive workplace cultures. EARN offers information and resources to empower individuals and organizations to become leaders in the employment and advancement of people with disabilities.