Persons with disabilities are a widely untapped labor resource, offering unique skill sets. If you are looking to create a more inclusive and culturally rich work environment with hard-working employees while also growing your business, look no further. Companies that hire a diverse staff are favored more highly by the public, ultimately boosting your bottom line and giving you a huge return on your investment. You can make positive, impactful changes to our community and its workforce through inclusive hiring. Are you ready?

Employers Should Think Inclusively

People with disabilities are capable and valuable assets that can improve your business. What are you doing to expand your inclusive workforce?

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Make an impact for your community and your business

Hire Me GA is your go-to resource for tapping into the under-utilized disability talent pool. We are able to offer employers resources, learning opportunities, networking connections, and more – all related to persons with disabilities

Employers Information & Resources


There are many myths out there limiting the perception of people with disabilities and employment. We want you to know and understand the facts.


There are multiple resources available to support inclusive hiring and employment including local, state, and national organizations.


Understanding expectations around employment rights can support your inclusive hiring practices as well as your workplace accessibility.

Photo Series: An African American woman, sitting in a wheelchair wearing a black and white dress. One hand holds her hip as she smiles at the camera. An African American woman, wearing a red floral shirt, holds a can in her hand as she looks to the side and smiles. She has locs in her hair. A Caucasian male, wearing a blue shirt, khaki pants, and black glasses, sits in a wheelchair and smiles. An Afro Latina woman wearing a multicolored dress, smiles wide. She holds a white cane in her hand. An older black male, wearing a green polo shirt, and sunglasses, smiles for the camera.